The boys finally got out of school today for the summer. I am so glad and so are they. I think we were all ready for a much needed break. I know I have a lot of catching up around here at Busy B Acres.
My boys, Dalton and Garrett, helped me till up the ground and plant the majority of everything this year. Cody, my oldest, prefers to drive my dads big tractor and plow up the ground. Dads been teaching him how to plow and plant with the big equipment this year over at their place. The Hubby was still in the process of trying to get transferred closer to home so was busy most of the time during planting time. I had surgery back in February and Dalton decided that he was going to make sure I didn't do too much and get hurt so he was the main tiller man. Garrett, still being a little to small to handle the tiller, not from the lack of trying, decided that he would be the seed planter man. I am so proud of them. They have really learned a lot and seem to be retaining a lot of it too. They are learning the difference in the plant leaves and can identify most of them now. Garrett is mainly concerned with the watermelon and corn as they are his favorite. Dalton's favorites are the corn, pinto beans and the different varieties of summer peas. Cody on the other hand.. well, lets just say I haven't figured out how to grow peanut butter or grow a chocolate milk cow yet.

Last week The Hubby and I picked the green beans from the garden. It was the first picking and I canned nine pints. We picked again on Monday and only got five and a half pints. The way I see it, I little bit goes a long way and I am so proud to have 14 1/2 pints in my store room so far. That's not to mention the 11 half pints of blackberry syrup that I canned. It was actually supposed to be jam but the berries and I couldn't see eye to eye this time. Who doesn't enjoy a little blackberry syrup on some fresh hot pancakes for breakfast or over some vanilla ice cream on a hot day. Sounds pretty good to me.
Well it's getting late, gotta walk the dog and turn off the sprinkler..